TMJ Treatment at Palace Dental
What is Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)?
The Temporomandibular joint is a pair of hinge joints that connects the jaw to the temporal bones of the skull. It lies in front of each ear. The joint allows the up and down, side and side movement of the jaw for talking, chewing and yawning.
What are the Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Unexplained and undiagnosed constant headache or an earache or neck ache.
Severe pain and discomfort in one or both sides of the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders, and in or around the ear.
Difficulty or inability to chew, speak, or open mouth.
Locking of the jaw in the open or closed mouth position.
Clicking, popping, or grating sounds while opening or closing the mouth.
Swelling on the side of the face.
Treatment at Mountain View Advanced Dental:
Comprehensive TMJ rehabilitation program
Proper diagnosis of the disorder utilizing state-of-the-art 3D CBCT imaging, neurological testing, and biometric analyzation
Treatment using functional orthopedic appliances and physical medicine
Coordinated approach with other health care professionals for a customized treatment plan that will give best results
Personal care to take away the debilitating craniofacial pain and give an improved quality of life to each and every patient
If you are at risk for TMD or TMJ, don’t hesitate to call Mountain View Advanced Dental to make an appointment for an exam. (650) 988 9458.